70 baby names in 2023! Trending names for girls and boys

¡70 nombres de bebés en 2023! Nombres de moda para niñas y niños

More different names like Aylla and Rael and classics like Sophia and Joaquim are some of the trends for baby names in the coming years. Influenced by celebrities, characters from movies or series, as well as the names of famous children, these are some of the ones that promise to be popular in 2023.

Girl names for 2023 👧


Meaning: "moonlight", "moonlight"; "Oak".
Origin: hebraic, turkish

The name Aylla is very popular in Turkey and has become a big trend for female names in Brazil. It presents two possible origins. From Turkish, it can mean “moonlight” or “moonlight”. From the Hebrew, it carries the meaning of “oak”, in reference to the tree with purple flowers.


Meaning: “kind”, “beloved”, “summer lady”.
Origin: Basque

The beautiful female name Maitê originates from the Basque language and carries the meanings of “lovable” and “beloved”. In Spanish, it appears as an agglutination of the names Maria and Tereza and carries the strong meaning of “lady of summer”.


Meaning: "the sunrise", "the break of day", "the one that shines like gold".
Origin: Latina

This beautiful female name is linked to the Latin word aurum, which means “gold”. In this way, it presents the meanings of “the one who shines like gold”, “the sunrise” and “the break of day”. Aurora also references the Roman goddess who was the personification of morning.


Meaning: “hera”.
Origin: English

The short, beautiful female name Ivy originates from the Old English ifig and refers to the ivy plant. This vine native to Europe and West Asia often has small yellow flowers. The name Ivy is extremely popular in the Philippines, the United States and England and has gained greater visibility in Brazil in recent years.


Meaning: "apple" or "hazelnut".
Origin: english, german

The name Evelyn derives from an Italian town called Abella which was abundant in apples. It then gained the meaning of hazelnut, another abundant fruit in the same region. It is one of the most common names in the Philippines and Ghana and has been gaining more and more popularity in Brazil, being a trend for girls in recent years.


Meaning: "blooming", "fertility", "greenish grass".
Origin: Greek, Latin, English

The beautiful female name Chloé, as well as its variations Cloe and Khloe, has gained popularity in Brazil. The name originates from a Greek word meaning "blossoming" and "fertility". The name is also associated with the goddess of fertility and vegetation Demeter in Greek mythology.


Meaning: "glorious combatant", "famous warrior" or "famous in war".
Origin: French, Germanic

The strong meanings associated with the name Louise originate from the Germanic word Chlodovech, which has the meanings of “warrior” and “fame”. Louise is the French variant of the name Luisa, which in turn is the female version of the name Luís, also very popular in Brazil.


Meaning: “starfish”, “mine”, “who is like God?”.
Origin: Italian, English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch

The short and beautiful name Mia has several possibilities of origin. From Scandinavian it means “starfish”. It is also considered a diminutive version of the name Maria and an English variant of the name Michaela, which shares the same meaning as the name Miguel, which means "who is like God?".


Meaning: "wisdom", "divine wisdom".
Origin: Greek

Sophia is a beautiful name of English origin that has become a trend in Brazil in recent years. It arises from a word that literally means "wisdom" and by extension also gains the meaning of "holy wisdom".


Meaning: “get ahead”, “I was born of myself, I don't come from anyone”, “mistress of the throne”, “goddess of fertility and motherly love”.
Origin: egyptian

The name Isis refers to one of the most important goddesses in Egyptian mythology. She was the goddess of motherhood and fertility and mother of the god Horus. It also has popular variations in other countries such as ĂŤside, in Italian, and Isice, in French.


Meaning: "powerful", "strong", "firm"; "beloved", "adored", "cute".
Origin: German, Persian

One name for girls that is a big trend for years to come is Raika. Of uncertain origin, Raika may have emerged from German, as an abbreviated form of a term meaning "powerful", a Persian word meaning "beloved" or a Hindi word for "beautiful". All meanings are perfect and great inspiration for moms and dads who are going to have daughters in the coming years.


Meaning: "life", "full of life", "living".
Origin: Greek

The short and beautiful name Zoe has gained a lot of popularity in Brazil in recent years. Zoe has Greek origin from a word that carries meanings related to life. It is a beautiful name for girls and a big trend in Brazil, although it is already quite popular in other parts of the world.


Meaning: "victorious"
Origin: English

The name Vitória is very popular in Brazil and people with this name can earn the affectionate nickname of Vicki or Vicky. However, this nickname is becoming a big trend as a given name in Brazil. It carries the same meanings as Vitória, “victorious” and “triumphant”.


Meaning: "girl", "graceful", "protector of fertility and seas", "fire".
Origin: Hebrew, Italian, Indigenous, Spanish, Assyrian

This short and beautiful name for girls has many possible origins around the world. It is also a nickname or diminutive of Italian given names like Antonina and Giannina. In Brazil, it has gained a lot of popularity and many famous couples are baptizing their daughters with this delicate name.


Meaning: "graced by God", "God is full of grace" or "the grace and mercy of God", "gift of God".
Origin: Hebrew, Italian

Variation of the very popular female name in Brazil, Joana, the name Giovanna has become a trend for years to come. This beautiful and strong name for girls receives the same meanings as the biblical name John, as it is considered a female variation of it. In the country, many actresses helped to popularize this name, such as Giovanna Antonelli, Giovanna Lancellotti and Giovanna Ewbank.


Meaning: "divine", "the one who illuminates".
Origin: Latina

The name Diana is very popular around the world especially due to the popularization of Princess Diana, who was part of the royal family between the 80's and 90's. With the great popularization of films and series that continue to portray her life, Diana has again become a trend in recent years.


Meaning: "water", "mother", "big", "illusion".
Origin: Hebrew, Tupi, Latin, Sanskrit

This beautiful name for girls has become a huge trend in Brazil in recent years. It has several possibilities of origin, among them, the ancestral Sanskrit language, in which Maya is the name of Buddha's mother and has the meaning of "illusion". It is indeed a short and elegant name for girls that has been adopted by thousands of Brazilians in recent years.


Meaning: "Pearl".
Origin: Swedish

The name Greta is actually a shortened form of the popular name Daisy. It has Swedish origins and has become a trending name for girls in many parts of the world. That's thanks to the rise of teenage environmentalist Greta Thunberg and director Greta Gerwig. The meaning of “pearl” is also another attraction that makes moms and dads choose this beautiful name for their daughters.


Meaning: "all", "universal".
Origin: Germanic

The beautiful and simple name Emma is a classic for girls. It enjoyed great popularity in England from the year 1002 onwards due to Queen Emma of Normandy. Since then, the name has become a trend at certain times. Also standing out when the novel Emma by author Jane Austen was released in the XNUMXth century.


Meaning: "glorious warrior", "famous combatant", "celebrated in battles".
Origin: Germanic

A variant of the male name LuĂ­s, the female name LuĂ­sa has made a strong comeback in recent years, especially due to the rise of younger artists who have stood out with it in the industry. LuĂ­sa is a name that should be a trend for girls born in the coming years.


Meaning: “woman of God”, “strong woman of God” or “stronghold of God”.
Origin: hebrew

Since the release of the novel “Gabriela, Cravo e Canela”, by the Bahian writer Jorge Amado, the name Gabriela has been very popular in Brazil. Today, we see many artists and influencers who carry this beautiful name with a strong meaning. That's why it never went out of style and will continue to be a trend for years to come.


Meaning: “of noble quality”, “of noble lineage”, “of noble blood”; "respected", "majestic".
Origin: French, Germanic

Alicia or Alycia is a female name that has been gaining more and more popularity in Brazil in recent decades. It is actually a variation of the popular name Alice, which comes from the Germanic name Adelaide.


Meaning: "white", "white", "candida".
Origin: Italian

English writer William Shakespeare was primarily responsible for making the name Bianca so popular around the world. In his plays "A Megera Tamada" and "Othello" there are female characters who carry this name. In Brazil, it also became very popular in the XNUMXth century and, in recent years, it has become a trend for many moms and dads who want to give this name to their daughters.


Meaning: “beautiful”, “beautiful”, “chaste”, “pure”, “God is an oath”, “consecrated to God”.
Origin: Hebrew, Italian, English, German, Nordic

The female name Bella is one of the world's biggest trends for names for girls born in recent years. It has several possibilities of origin, and can be considered a variation of the name Isabella and Anabella. Bella is also the name of one of the biggest international models of today, Bella Hadid.


Meaning: “from the acropolis”, “from the citadel”; “beautiful”, “lovely”.
Origin: Greek

The millennial name Larissa has Greek origins and is also the name of a city in Greece that is the capital of Thessaly. The name is already popular in Brazil, but has been adopted even more in recent years. Artists like Larissa Manoela and Anitta (whose real name is Larissa) have made the name even more popular in recent years.


Meaning: “of noble quality”, “of noble lineage”.
Origin: Germanic

In recent years, the female name Alice has been one of the most adopted to baptize girls. In 2019 alone, there were 6.600 registrations in the country. This trend continues to grow, being one of the preferred names for parents who want their daughters to carry a name that has noble meanings.


Meaning: "harmonious"; "beautiful", "beautiful"; "mark of conquest".
Origin: Celtic, Gaelic

This beautiful and delicate female name has become a big trend in Brazil in recent years. Alana has some possibilities of origin and carries some of the most beautiful meanings among girl names, such as “beautiful” and “beautiful”.


Meaning: “clear”, “luminous”, “brilliant”, “illustrious”.
Origin: Italian

This famous Italian name has become a big trend in Brazil for girls' names. It carries meanings linked to light and luminosity and is a great option for dads and moms looking for a different name for their daughters. The version of the name Kiara is also quite popular around the world, especially as it is the name of Simba's daughter in the movie "The Lion King".


Meaning: “inhabitant of Rome”, “one who was born in Rome”.
Origin: Italian

This typically Italian name has become a trend in recent years in Brazil as well. It is an Italian Roman name that designated people who came from that region of Italy.


Meaning: "white foreigner", "mythical heroine", "Frenchwoman", "blonde foreigner".
Origin: Tupi

A typically Brazilian female name, Maíra comes from the Tupi language. The name was used by indigenous peoples to refer to the towns and small towns inhabited by the French in the country. Over time, the term came to mean just “city”. Maíra is a beautiful female name that has gained even more popularity in recent years in Brazil.


Meaning: "the free Frenchwoman" or "the one who comes from France".
Origin: Germanic

A very popular name in Portugal, Francisca has been gaining more popularity in Brazil and becoming a trending girl's name in recent years. It is a variation of the popular male name Francisco and carries the meaning referring to people who came from France.


Meaning: “flank”, “side” or “precious stone”.
Origin: Espanhola

The precious name Jade comes from Spanish. It refers to the gemstone of the same name that has an intense green color. It was believed that the Jade stone had healing powers and could also help with the pains of childbirth. Today, the name has gained a lot of popularity in Brazil and is a trend for female names for years to come.


Meaning: “honey”, “sweet as honey”, “sweet woman”; "beautiful and sweet as honey".
Origin: Greek

This beautiful and delicate name of Greek origin is one of the favorites in recent years for girls. Melinda has at its root a Greek word that refers to the sweetness of honey. In Brazil, the separate name has both the word mel and linda, so we can attribute the meaning of “beautiful and sweet as honey” to it.


Meaning: "she who lives in the Tower of God", "inhabitant of Magdala".
Origin: Greek, Hebrew, Armenian

A very popular female name in Portugal that has also become a trend in Brazil. Madalena has some possibilities of origin, but it stands out as a biblical name, due to the influence of Mary Magdalene for Christians.


Meaning: "flower".
Origin: Latina

Simple and beautiful names are also a trend for the coming years. Flor has been widely adopted in Brazil by dads and moms looking for a different name, but one that carries delicacy and simplicity. It is also widely used as a compound name, with Maria Flor, Ana Flor and Linda Flor being popular in the country.

Boy names for 2023 👦


Meaning: “lord of light”, “angel of light”, “man who fights with God”.
Origin: Hebrew, Egyptian

One of the biggest trends for male names in Brazil, Rael has two possible origins. From the Egyptian, he is associated with an angel of mythology and the god Ra. In this way, it could mean "lord of light" or "angel of light". Another possibility of origin is from the Hebrew name Israel with the meaning of “man who fights with God”.


Meaning: "little king", "wisdom".
Origin: Irish, American

The name Rayan is a variation of the popular English name Ryan. He is associated with the Irish surname O'Riain and carries the beautiful meaning of "little king". From the Persian language, Rayan means “wisdom”.


Meaning: "blessed", "good man", "one who goes well".
Origin: Latina

The name Benício is associated with the Latin word benitius, which has the meaning of “one who is doing well” or “blessed”. It is a very popular name in Latin America and has been gaining more and more popularity in Brazil in recent years.


Meaning: “natural of Laurento” or “inhabitant of Laurento”.
Origin: Latin, Italian, Spanish

The beautiful and strong masculine name Lorenzo is a Spanish and Italian variant of the name Lorenzo. The meaning of this name refers to an ancient Italian city that was located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. A very popular version of the name Lawrence in English is Laurence.


Meaning: "Jehovah has established" or "God has established".
Origin: hebrew

According to some theological studies, Saint Joachim is considered the grandfather of Jesus Christ. The name Joaquim is quite popular in Brazil and has become a trend in recent years. The meanings associated with the name are "Jehovah has established" or "God has established".


Meaning: "hill", "mountain", "noble", "strong", "virtuous" or "one who is strong".
Origin: Celtic, Gaelic

Bryan is one of the most popular names in anglophone countries, that is, countries that have English as an official language. A trend in Brazil, this name has Celtic and Gaelic origins and carries strong meanings associated with it, such as “noble” and “virtuous”.


Meaning: "the one who is winning", "the one who wins", "the one who conquers".
Origin: Latina

The beautiful name Vicente comes from the Latin Vincentius and has meanings related to victory, such as “the one who wins” and “the one who conquers”. The Vincent English version is also quite popular in English-speaking countries.


Meaning: "given by God", "gift of the Lord" or "unshakable friendship".
Origin: Hebrew, English

Jonathan is the English version of the name of Hebrew origin Jonatas. This name appears in the Bible as the name of King Saul's eldest son and carries the beautiful meanings of "given by God", "gift of the Lord" or "unwavering friendship".


Meaning: "hawk" or "falcon".
Origin: Tupi

The beautiful name Cauã has an indigenous origin and means “hawk” or “falcon”. The variants Kauã, Cauan and Kauan are also a trend for boys' names in Brazil.


Meaning: "follower".
Origin: Greek

Icarus is a name of Greek origin and refers to a popular mythological character. According to the stories, Icarus and his father Daedalus tried to escape a labyrinth by building wings of wax. However, Icarus flew too close to the sun, which caused his wings to melt. The meaning associated with the name Icarus is 'follower'.


Meaning: “rich”, “opulent”, “sumptuous”, prosperous”.
Origin: Germanic

This short and beautiful masculine name is quite common in Germanic-speaking countries, but it has also gained popularity in Brazil. Otto carries meanings of someone who owns a lot of goods.


Meaning: "the sun"
Origin: Sanskrit

A name of ancestral origin in India, Ravi carries the powerful meaning of “the Sun”. This name also appears in several stories of Hindu mythology and was made famous in the 60s by the Indian musician Ravi Shankar.


Meaning: “rest”, “repose”, “consolation”, “long life”.
Origin: hebrew

More common in the English variant Noah, this masculine name has become a trend in Brazil and promises to be a hit this year. Noá has biblical origin, from the name of the character Noah, who in the sacred scriptures built an ark to preserve humanity from the great flood.


Meaning: "the beloved", "dear", "favorite".
Origin: hebrew

David was Israel's most famous king, who reigned during the 10th century BC The popular biblical story of David and Goliath is still an inspiration to many Christians today and the name David has also become a symbol of strength, courage and resilience. The name is a strong trend of the year for boys in the coming years.


Meaning: “inhabitant of Lucania” or “he who belongs to the light”, “the luminous one”.
Origin: Greek

The name Lucca is trending for the year after many celebrities named their children with this beautiful male name. Of Greek origin, from a word that means light, Lucca is considered a variation of the male name Lucas, quite popular in Brazil.


Meaning: "adornment", "decoration"; "promised land" or "beautiful and graceful", "full of beauty and grace".
Origin: Arab

This different name that has been gaining more and more popularity in Brazil has two possible origins. One is that it would be a variation of the Hebrew name Zion, the Promised Land in biblical stories. Another possibility is the Arabic origin, from a word meaning "adornment" or "decoration".


Meaning: "blessed", "blessed", "praised", "the one spoken well about".
Origin: Latina

This beautiful and short masculine name is a variation of the popular name Benedito. Bento derives from a Latin word that refers to the issues of blessing and blessed. It is, therefore, a very strong name full of spirituality that is gaining more and more popularity in the country.


Meaning: "son of the right side", "son of happiness", "the well-beloved".
Origin: Hebraic, American

Despite being much more popular in the United States, the name Benjamin has come more strongly to Brazil in recent years. This name also appears in the sacred scriptures, as Benjamin was the name of the youngest son of Jacob and Raquel. In addition, the name can derive some very cute nicknames for the child, such as Ben and Benjie.


Meaning: "god", "supreme God".
Origin: Greek

Derived from the names Teodoro and Teobaldo, Theo is a masculine name that has become a big trend in Brazil in recent years. Théos was the way many Greeks called their gods, but with the arrival of Christianity, the word was referred to the “supreme God” for this religion.


Meaning: "he who teaches", "counselor", "he who comes from the heel".
Origin: Espanhola

With the rise of several footballers of that name and the passing of sporting legend Diego Maradona; Diego is a name that will definitely rock in the coming years. Whether to honor the Argentine player or to attribute the beautiful meanings that this name offers, such as “adviser” and “the one who indoctrinates”.


Meaning: "beautiful and generous"; "of Irish origin"; "the one who protects" or "the protected".
Origin: Hebrew, Irish, Breton

This cute masculine name is more common in countries where Spanish is a native language. However, Gael has stood out a lot in Brazil in recent years. The most famous personality with this name is Mexican actor Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, who helped popularize this name to other parts of the world.


Meaning: "lion".
Origin: Latina

Often used as a nickname for popular names like Leonardo, Leo has been gaining traction as a boy's name in recent years. It has a Latin origin and simply means lion. A powerful and beautiful male name that is trending for years to come.


Meaning: “the one who keeps”, “the one who retains”, “the one who possesses”.
Origin: Greek, French, English

This name is a Greek and English variant of Hector. Hector, in his Greek version HĂ©ktor, was a prince of Troy who had great importance in the mythological battle. This masculine name has become popular in Brazil in recent decades and continues to be a trend for years to come.


Meaning: "stone", "rock" or "firm".
Origin: Italian

Italian version of the popular name Pedro, Pietro carries the same meanings as the first. He is also considered a biblical name because of this variation, Peter being the closest apostle to Jesus in the Holy Scriptures. Pietro is a beautiful masculine name that has been adopted by many moms and dads naming their children in recent years.


Meaning: "son or descendant of Ryan", "little king", "son of a little king".
Origin: Irish

The male name Ryan is quite popular among English speakers. In Brazil, it gained strength in its version written with “i”. Rian is a name of Irish origin whose first versions were written as O'Ryan, which meant "son or descendant of Ryan".


Meaning: "God is gracious", "gift of God", "grace of God".
Origin: Scottish

This short male name is one of dozens of variants of the popular biblical name John and therefore carries the same meanings as it does. Its origin, however, is Scottish derived from Gaelic. This name for boys is a strong trend for the coming years, as many dads and moms have bet on shorter names, but full of strong meanings, for children.


Meaning: "linked", "united" or "linked to something or someone".
Origin: hebrew

Levi is a very popular male name among English speakers, especially among Jewish people. This name has gained strength in Brazil in recent decades, being the name of children of many national celebrities. Its origin is Hebrew, being also the former name of Matthew, before becoming an apostle of Jesus according to the bible.


Meaning: “gift of God”, “gift of God”, “gift of God”
Origin: Italian

Italian version of the popular male name Mateus, Mateo or Matteo has been trending male names for children in Brazil in recent years.


Meaning: "Oliveira".
Origin: French

Oliver is a male name that has gained more popularity in Brazil, despite being more common in English and French speaking countries. He arrived in the country mainly because of the English influence. With the popularity of more actors who carry this name, Oliver has everything to be a big trend in the coming years in our country.


Meaning: “little empty space” or “small hollow space”.
Origin: Scottish

Very popular in Scotland, the name Logan gained more strength in Brazil after fans of the character Wolverine (whose name is Logan) became a fever in our country. It is a beautiful and imposing male name that was originally given to Scottish families who lived in a town located in the county of Ayrshire in Scotland.


Meaning: "friend of the horses", "the one who likes horses", "the one who loves war".
Origin: Greek

Felipe is already a very popular name in Brazil, but it has become a trend for children born in recent years. It is a name of Greek origin, whose terms have the words that refer to horse and friends. Influential YouTuber Felipe Neto has helped make the name even more popular in Brazil in recent years.


Meaning: 'heart', 'mind', 'spirit', 'the thinker' or 'intelligent'.
Origin: Germanic

This name of Germanic origin became very popular in Europe due to the influence of the French playwright Victor Hugo. In Portugal and Brazil, the name has become a trend in recent decades and has been the favorite of many moms and dads in recent years.


Meaning: “soft”, “cute”, “young”, “full of youth” or “son of Jupiter”.
Origin: Greek

The male name Julius has Latin and Greek origins and came from a word that referred to the soft and fluffy beards of young men. The name has gained popularity around the world in various versions such as Juliano and Juliano. It has been a trending male name in Brazil for a few decades now.


Meaning: "winner", "victorious", "conqueror".
Origin: Latina

Despite being a name present in humanity since the time of Jesus Christ, the male name Victor gained popularity around the world only in the XNUMXth century. Since then, it has gained countless versions and continues to be a strong trend for children's names in recent years.


Meaning: "of the Lord", "that which belongs to the Lord".
Origin: English

Despite being a more common name in English-speaking countries, the beautiful male name Dominic has also become a trend in Brazil. It has English origins from a Latin word meaning belonging to the Lord. Children baptized with this beautiful name can be given affectionate nicknames like Dom and Nic.

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